ಜನತಾ ಶಿಕ್ಷಣ ಸಮಿತಿ
ಕೆ. ಹೆಚ್. ಕಬ್ಬೂರ ತಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ಶಿಕ್ಷಣ ಸಂಸ್ಥೆ
ಗ್ರಂಥಾಲಯ ಹಾಗೂ ಮಾಹಿತಿ ಸಂಪನ್ಮೂಲ ಕೇಂದ್ರ
ವಿಧ್ಯಾಗಿರಿ , ಧಾರವಾಡ - 580 004

ABOUT K H K I E.......
The K.H.Kabbur Institute of Engineering is located in the beautiful garden city of Dharwad also known as “Chota Mahabaleshwar” because of its geographical importance. Dharwad is often called the Cambridge of Karnataka as it being the well known and the largest education center in the entire north Karnataka.
Late Sri.Ramarao.S.Hukkerikar a veteran freedom fighter of Dharwad was the visionary and architect of the “Janata Shikshana Samiti”, one of the pioneering Educational Societies in this part of the country. The Institute got its name after the great donor and well-known Industrialist of Bombay Late Shri.Krishnarao. Hanumantrao. Kabbur, who was pillar to lay down many buildings and infrastructure facilities.
After the demise of Shri.Ramarao S Hukkerikar, under the Presidentship of, His holiness Shri.Vishweshwarateertha Swamiji of Shri.Pejawarmath Udupi and Chairmanship of Pujya Padmabhushan Dr.D.Veerendra Heggade, Dharamadhikari of Daharmasthala took over the reins of the samiti responding to the call of the then management in 1973. Since then the organization has progressed in leaps and bounds. Prof.N.Vajrakumar Secretary of Janata Shiskhana Samiti is the dynamic force behind all the progress that has been achieved.
The Institute started functioning from 1956 with Diploma Course in Civil Engineering with an intake of 30 students. At present the Institute is functioning with 7 disciplines (Courses) viz. Civil Engg. , Mechanical Engg., Electrical Engg., Automobile Engg., Computer Science & Engg., Electronics Engg., and Commercial practice and 4 schemes such as NSS, ISTE, C-TECH & Community Polytechnic to serve the needs of the society. It is the largest among aided Polytechnics and one of the most reputed Technical Institutions in the State.
Shri. K. KGovinda Bhat has worked with the Institute since 1973 under whose leadership & able guidance as an eminent Principal the Institute is progressing rapidly. This progress is reflected in the form of roll of honour dipicting ranks obtained by the students over the years.
“Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya ” inscribed on the emblem is the vision of the Institution, that means “ Lead me from darkness / ignorance unto light / knowledge”. The vision and mission statements are derived from the logo and are being implemented since 1956.
At present the student strength stands total 805. 54 permanent, 3 temporary teachers and 63 administrative and technical staff work in our Institution with a sense of perfect direction.
KHK Institute is situated in a picturesque surrounding on the top of the Mailarlinga Hill, adjacent to National Highway, now called Vidyagiri, at a height of 2511 feet above sea level, on the outskirts of Dharwad. It is ideally located for the all-round development of the students. One may get a panoramic view of the surroundings from the tip of Vidyagiri, Dharwad, where in is situated the temple of Mailarlinga.
The Samiti manages 20 Institutions, sincerely committed to the cause of higher education and works for the development of the Institutions in all respects. The aim of the college is to mould the learners into creative and morally responsible intellectuals by providing appropriate curricular, co-curricular education and training.
JSS K.H. Kabbur Institute of Engineering named after its Chief donor Late Sri Krishnarao Hanumanta Rao Kabbur. It is a pioneer Technical Institute in this part of North Karnataka offering three years Diploma in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Automobile, Mechatronics, Electronics and Communication, Computer Science, Engineering and non Engineering discipline Commercial Practice. By the generous support of Janata Shikshana Samithi, HRD Ministry Modrobs and World Bank Assistance all the disciplines are fully equipped in tune with the latest and future emerging Technologies. The institute has conducted number of faculty Development Programmes to train all the teaching faculty wideover the state to develop skills according to latest curriculum. Number of national level seminars have been conducted to enlighten the curriculum of modern approach for handing latest equipments.
Due to present trends and needs the institute has enhanced intake for all disciplines and at present the strength of the institute is increased to One Thousand Five Hundred Students. New laboratories classrooms and infrastructure have been established in the institute to suit the strength of the students. Many staff members upgraded their qualifications (M.Tech) from different recognized universities. Many reputed industries / companies like L&T, Jindal, Telco, Wipro etc. conducted campus interviews and more than 60% of the students have secured jobs. Many students of the institute participated in national level seminars with paper presentations at other institute and have secured awards. Institute is organized different short term training programmes for students and staff members sponsored by AICTE New Delhi.
Institute conducts sports activities like Kabbur Cricket Tournament, Volley Ball Tournament, Indoor & Outdoor Games for men and women separately every year and all the students of the institute participate with enthusiasm.
Ours is the first accredited Polytechnic by NBA, in Karnataka State. Affiliation committee has appreciated the performance of Institute in building the overall career of budding Engineers. Besides excellent academic performance, to generate internal revenue and hands on training may projects have been undertaken by the institute like Automobile Servicing, Fabrication, Construction of Building etc.